Class 6 Teachers: Miss Simpson & Mrs Dakin
PE – PE will take place each Thursday afternoon, so the children are required to have their kit with them each week. They can leave their kit in school for the entire half term if they are likely to forget on a weekly basis. Kits will go home ech half term to ensure they stay nice and clean! when they are not swimming, they will also do PE on a Tuesday afternoon with me.
Reading: Children are expected to read each night for approximately 20 minutes; they should record their reading in their planners. We will check and sign the children’s planners on a weekly basis and recommend that parents do too. This will ensure the children are ready for using their planners when they move onto high schoool.
English Key Skills: English homework will be set weekly. It will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Monday. This will be either set online at or in their English homework books.
Spelling: The children will receive a spelling pattern each Monday. They will then be tested on the spelling pattern the following week. The spelling homework is investigative and designed to ensure that children learn spelling patterns rather than 10 spellings. We recommend the children spend at least 10 minutes on this each day.
Maths Homework: The children will receive a piece of maths homework every Tuesday. This needs to be handed in the following Friday. This will either be on or in their maths homework books.
Project Based Homework: There will be a termly project based homework the children will be expected to complete. The children should be able to access these projects independently and we will discuss a range of ideas in class. If your child is struggling, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will support them in school.
Contacting us:
If you need to get hold of us, there are a few options. One of us will be at the door each morning to welcome the class into school. If it is a quick message or brief chat, please feel free to catch us at the classroom door in the morning. If you require a longer appointment, you may wish to call into the school office and book an appointment with us. Also, feel free to send an email:
Miss Simpson: