Class 1Teacher: Miss Stojic

Please find below information which you may find useful.
Here is a typical day in our classroom.

8.45 Phonics
11.30Book Club/ Handwriting
1.00Book Club/ Handwriting
1.20Topic/ Science/ IT/ R.E/ Growth Mindset

We will continue to enjoy a wide selection of books and texts. The children will develop their writing & comprehension skills through these.
Learning to add the suffixes ed, ing, er and est seem to be one of the hardest skills for year one children to grasp. Please practise changing verbs from present to past tense and adding er and est to adjectives.
We will continue our hard work in Maths learning lots of facts that can be recalled fluently and speedily, e.g. number bonds to 20, doubling and halving and counting in multiples of 2, 5, and 10. Please practise little and often.
Every child in Class One will read with an adult each week as part of a group during our Book Club sessions. Please ensure that your child’s ‘Home School Record’ is in school each day. The Home School Record continues to provide a valuable link between home and school, please use this as a means of keeping us up to date about reading done at home and any other activities completed or experienced. I do check these each week. The more information you can write in the better to help me assess how well your child is doing on the book banding level they are reading. Ask plenty of comprehension questions to assess their understanding.
Systematic, daily phonics sessions take place across the whole of Key Stage 1. Phonic booklets will be sent home. Please complete 2 pages each week and practise each sound or tricky words, spelling and reading them. Ensure your child is condfident with each sound or tricky word before moving on.
Handwriting is taught daily. We use a cursive style and the children are encouraged to use this style in all books throughout the day. It is very important that the children make sure they are forming all of their letters and numbers the correct way.
Spellings will be sent home every week in the children’s fishy books for your child to practise them. These will consist of High Frequency words, common exception words and words which contain a similar pattern or words related to the different grapheme families. By the end of the Year all children will need to know how to spell the Days of the week  and the number words zero to ten/twenty.
Physical Education
Class 1 will have PE every Monday and Tuesday afternoon.  Please ensure they have their kit in school each week and children are not wearing jewellery.
Getting involved!
Class 1 is very busy, lots of learning is taking place. If you are free in the afternoons and would like to regularly visit us every week to listen to readers please contact me – this would be a great help!

  • Projects – A homework project gives you a chance to get involved with your child’s learning.
  • Maths Homework – This will be set weekly and will often be sheet based.
  • Phonics homework/Spellings – Each week the phonics book will be sent home. Complete 2 pages a week. Test your child with reading and spelling of the sounds in real words and psuedo (alien) words and write sentences with the words in. Practise the graphemes or tricky words that have been taught in the book that week as much as you can through reading and writing.
  • Reading – Please read with your child every night. Use a mixture of reading their school book banded book, a home book and you reading to them.
  • If you would like to contact me for any reason please pop in and see me at the end of the day, if you are unable to do this then please feel free to contact me via the school office to set up an appointment, email me on or write a little note in the home-school record.