Class 4 Teacher: Miss Stobart

The children will take part in PE lessons every Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Please could the children’s indoor and outdoor PE kits remain in school during term time as this makes it easier than trying to find spare kits each week?
Please ensure that snacks continue to be a healthy option at break time. Healthy snack will also be available to buy from the school kitchen.

  • Spellings and times tables will be given out every Friday, and will be tested the following Friday
  • A new project will be set each half term, these will have an English and mathematics link.
  • Homework will also be set using SPAG and My Maths weekly.
  • Continue listening to them read their reading books, and a variety of other books at home. Reading books can be changed when needed. Please ensure that you record their reading in their diaries as they will not be able to change their books without evidence of them reading at home.
  • Please ensure diaries are signed over the weekend. I will sign them on a Monday and check for any notes. However, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me on my school email address:
Please check when they are taking part in Forest Schools so that they arrive fully equipped.