RE and Collective Worship
Comberbach Nursery and Primary School believes that it is important for children to learn about the beliefs and values held by others. The acquisition of skills and attitudes developed through Religious Education is an important part of the development of children’s learning and is crucial for their lives as members of a multicultural society.
Religious Education in this school reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are mainly Christian while taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions. The teaching follows the Chester Agreed Syllabus, is drawn from the study of Christianity in its many forms, and recognises Christianity’s formative influence upon the country’s culture.
However, it also recognises that we live in a multi-cultural society and Religious Education contributes to the process of education for world understanding. Religious Education is not simply just teaching religious faiths and beliefs but giving children the opportunity of exploring the spiritual and moral dimensions of life in a safe, supportive environment.
Where possible, the units from the Chester Agreed Syllabus are taught alongside topics which complement the religious content being taught. If this is not possible, RE is taught as a discreet subject.
Collective Worship
We strongly believe that Collective Worship is a special time which is can be used to explore and make explicit the values that underpin our school. It gives our pupils, staff and parents a sense of belonging and group identity.
At Comberbach Nursery and Primary School, ‘Collective Worship’ mainly involve all members of the school coming together and participating in an assembly, but on occasions can be the gathering of a group of children (a class for example).
Whilst most acts of worship in our school are Christian we also hold assemblies that reflect the traditions of other religions that are represented in the school and the wider community. We conduct our assemblies in a manner that is sensitive to the faiths and beliefs of all members of the school.
Parents are invited weekly, to join our celebratory Family Assemblies. They are also welcome to see their child perform in termly class assemblies and to join us for special events throughout the year.